Do you generally associate a language with a style of dress? I've never thought about it that way, but when I had this girl approach me certain I spoke English because of what I was wearing, I was a bit shocked, to say the least. The shocking part of course, she then couldn't identify the country (England? Canada? Australia?), but seemed to assume only an anglophone girl would be wearing jean shorts and a rugby shirt that says "Ireland".
Do you generally look at a way someone is dressed and say "oh, he must speak Italian" or something similar? Does a common language really imply a common culture? Or is it just for anglophones? It does have me wondering.
I found that Germans could often identify me as an American, simply by the clothes I wear. I think it had something to do with the white tennis shoes and hoodies. From what country was the girl who approached you?
Oh, she was French, I'm fairly certain, as this was on my campus.
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