Welcome to the Adventures

02 April 2009

A quick anecdote!

First of all, I apologize for not posting a comic last week - I had a nasty cold. That and homework means no comic this week, and two weeks of spring break wandering through Europe means I'm putting my weekly post on hiatus until late April - I know, I just started this thing! What am I thinking? I hope to come back with plenty of fresh ideas to amuse you with.

Now it's story time...
I know I've mentioned in my comic how often my accent is misconstrued - I blame it on living so many places that I'm not sure how I'm supposed to sound anymore. Even talking with other Americans I'm told I sound Canadian. I don't mind, I'm even considering going there for grad school. So I've gotten to the point where I go somewhere with English speakers and expect it.

So what do I most definitely not expect? Well, that would be the things that a cold apparently does to my voice. I was slightly sick two weekends ago when I went to Edinburgh - wasn't about to cancel the tickets! So whilst wandering about the city, I stopped in a coffee shop to kill time and warm up, ordering my black coffee and chatting with the barista as he pours it.
"So, what brings you here from Australia?"

By the by, I may still be updating my travel blog so feel free to check it out.


Kyle said...

Lol, that's gotta be awkward. That's almost as bas as asking a non-pregnant girl how long until she's due. :-P Ok, not really, but still.

Amanda said...

haha, having a cold gives you an Australian accent? That's talent right there... or something. ;)

Unknown said...

I think maybe he just had trouble identifying it... Still hilarious.