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20 February 2009

The Difference Between Squirrels and Chipmunks

For all of you Spanish speakers out there you must know the word ardilla. It is translated as squirrel in the dictionary. But wait, say that you get curious one day and you want to look up the word "Chipmunk", you will also see ardilla.

This was brought to my attention when the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks came out and my friend G. was referring to it as Alvin and the Squirrels. She insisted that a squirrel was the same a chipmunk and that I had it wrong. You see, in Spanish Alvin and the Chipmunks is

Anyways, here is the difference between a squirrel and a chipmunk. G. claimed that the only reason I saw any difference at all between the two fuzzy rodents was because I'm from Minnesota and we make weird distinctions for animals. So. Not. True. They are different! Right?



Amanda said...

They are totally different animals. In both size and coloring. And chipmunks are so much cuter, I think. We had one living in our garden for awhile.

Sara said...

You like the chipmunks? See I like the squirrels. I especially like the ones on campus or in Munsinger Gardens that are tame and eat out of your hand.

Amanda said...

Well, the big fat tame squirrels I'm definitely amused by. I saw one peaking its head out of a garbage can at AR, and we both looked at each other for a few second before he scrambled back into the garbage can. It's the annoying squirrels that get fat off bird seed they've stolen from feeders that I don't particularly care for.

CancunCanuck said...

I love trying to explain "squirrel" or "chipmunk" or similar animals in class without using Spanish, it's practically impossible.

"It's a small furry animal with a tail."

Now envision me making squirrel/chipmunk faces and miming the eating of nuts. They still think I am a rabbit. And then I have to explain raccoon.

They are definitely different animals and I am a chipmunk fan myself. Had squirrels eating the heck out of my roof in Toronto, a chipmunk would never be so rude. The only place I have seen squirrels here is in the zoo, people were fascinated.

Sara said...

Cancuncanunk- Squirrels in the zoo!?!?

CancunCanuck said...

Yep, that exotic little critter named "squirrel" was in a cage in the Merida zoo. It was odd for this Canadian girl to see the display surrounded by families "Mira!!! Una ardilla como Alvin!"....sigh, they've obviously never heard of CHIPMUNKS!

Anonymous said...

If you compare the chipmunk to pictures of a Barbary Ground Squirrel (which exists in parts of Spain), it is harder to determine what the difference actually is.

Anonymous said...

Cool thanks a lot! In most latin america there are neither squirrels nor chipmunks so of course we are surprised when we see one :D.. we do have cuises thou