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01 May 2009

Word Buzz Friday: Swine Flu Edition

Hey all! I hope you are staying warm (for those of you here in the southern hemisphere) and staying cool for those of you in the northern hemisphere ;). Speaking of cold, and colds and well...flu (plural of flu=flus??). I hope you all have been avoiding the swine flu...or wait the "H1N1 Influenza A" (can't call it swine flu anymore according to the WHO). Who the h--- is going to call it that, I don't know. That brings me around to my new vocab today:

Ms. Piggy Flu:
A suggested name for the "swine" flu.

Dr. Google:
A person medically qualified by Google's search engine to diagnose symptoms of sickness.
Mrs. Smith: My son has the swine flu. I searched it on Google.

Dr. James: Really? That's what Google says? Send him to emergency immediately!

Dr. James: *note to self* Mrs. Smith's Son is fine. Mrs. Smith however has a case of Dr Google.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse here comes....

Swine Mono:
The mono you get from pigs.
Dude, Madelyn got swine mono from Chris.

Have a great weekend!!!


Kyle said...

Lol, I like Dr. Google. That'd totally be me if I was a dad.

Amanda said...

I've heard of the Dr. Google thing before. And, Ms. Piggy flu is pretty awesome too.