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17 March 2009

Internet Spanish Lessons

You can find anything on the internet, as every single one of you already knew and I am just discovering (So what? I'm a little behind! Give a girl a break!). However, did you know that you can even find free Spanish lessons? That's right, no need to buy any of those expensive CDs (if you are a beginner that is). You can discover just about everything you need on YouTube.

They wouldn't let me embed the code, but here is the link for a lesson que mi daba mucha risa. It's romance vocabulary for beginners! For those moments when you find yourself at a tapas bar in Madrid, or a coffee shop in Buenos Aires and that über-hot chico walks over to you and says "Tienes los ojos más lindos que he visto." Then, you discover that he's a multi-millionaire with a private jet waiting to take you all over the world. Only one problem: El chico guapísimo no habla inglés! (You hottie doesn't speak English). What!!? Was that only my fantasy? Alright... I'll stop.

Here are some more romantic things to whisper into your amor's ear. It works even if they are of the non-Spanish speaking variety. It's just that pretty...

Romantic Spanish Phrases



¿Tienes novia(o)? Do you have a girlfriend (boyfriend)?
¿Estás soltera(o)? Are you single?
He estado pensando en ti. I've been thinking about you.
Pienso en ti todo el tiempo. I think about you all the time.
Sólo puedo pensar en ti. I can only think of you.
Desde que te conocí no hago
nada más que pensar en ti.
Since I met you I do
nothing else except think of you.
Soy muy afortunado(a) de conocerte. I'm very fortunate to know you.
Eres muy linda(o). You are very pretty / lovely.
¡Qué linda(o)! How pretty / lovely you are!
Eres muy sexy. You're very sexy.
Me gustas (mucho). I like you (a lot).
Me haces (mucha) falta. I miss you (a lot).
Te extraño (mucho). I miss you (a lot).
Me vuelves loco(a). You drive me crazy.
Estoy loco(a) por ti. I'm crazy for you.
Te adoro. I adore you.
Te deseo. I want / desire you.
Eres divina(o). You are divine.
Eres espectacular. You are spectacular.
Tienes los ojos más bonitos del mundo. You have the prettiest eyes in the world.
Tienes una sonrisa muy hermosa. You have a very beautiful / lovely smile.
Eres la persona más
maravillosa del mundo.
You are the most wonderful
person in the world.
Me encanta saber que estás conmigo. I love to know that you're with me.
Tu ternura me encanta. I love your tenderness / softness.
Cada hora que paso
contigo me parece un segundo.
Each hour that passes
with you seems like a second.
Una sonrisa tuya me
hace inmensamente feliz.
A smile of yours makes
me immensely happy.
No puedo esperar a verte. I can't wait to see you.
Mamacita rica A very pretty (and hot) girl
Papacito rico A very handsome (and hot) guy
Mi princesa My princess
Mi príncipe My prince
Mi tesoro My treasure
Mi cielo My heaven
Corazón Sweetheart
Cariño Honey / Dear
Nena Babe (girl)
Nene Babe (guy)
Besos Kisses
Abrazos Hugs
Some help on pronunciation can be found here. Suerte!!!


Amanda said...

haha. That's awesome! My Spanish prof also has us working on learnspanish.com which is supposedly a really good website. I love the romantic phrases. I might have to try them out for the heck of it. ;)

Sara said...

You should ;-)

Crossing Borders said...

I have always felt weird saying romantic phrases in another language, ha ha.

Amanda said...

It can be more fun to learn the naughty words in another language. :)

Kyle said...

¡Me gusta!

I'll let you know how these work on Amanda. Just don't tell her. And Amanda, when you read this, you must disregard this. :-)